Germall Plus 10ml
Germall Plus 10ml
It has broad-spectrum antibacterial ability and can inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold. It can be widely used in oil-in-water emulsion systems and water-soluble formulas. It can be compatible with all components in cosmetics and is not affected by proteins in cosmetics. The influence of various surfactants, Chinese herbal liquids and other additives
It is the most frequently used antibacterial agent for skin care products in the world. It is mainly used to prevent the production of fungi and Gram's yeast in skin care products. The raw material itself has good stability, is non-irritating to the skin, and is non-toxic (LD50: 8g/kg). Use It is very safe and can be added directly to the cream. MP will disperse in the water phase and is antibacterial in water. PP and BP will disperse in the oil phase and be antibacterial in oil. Protein raw materials will reduce their antibacterial effect, so the usage rate needs to be increased. , the antibacterial effect will also be reduced in alkaline formulas.
Suitable for making: cream, gel, facial cleanser, shampoo, shower gel, etc.
Recommended dosage: 0.5%
Soluble in water; after the cream or other gel aqueous agent is prepared, the compound antibacterial agent is added at low temperature at the end and can be added directly to the cream.
Store in a cool place